Monday, January 28, 2013

The Importance of Using Primer

Primer? Should you use it before you paint. Quick answer: Yes, always, whether you are working with alkyd or latex paint. Primer is a painting product that is design not just to adhere to a surface, but also to provide a binding layer. This binding layer is better prepared to receive a coat of pain. The primer allows paint to adhere much better than if the paint was used alone. 

When faced with a difficult to paint wall, many painters prefer to use alkyd primer instead of latex primer since alkyd primer is better than latex at sealing in stains. After applying the alkyd primer, than painters then continue and apply latex paint, knowing that the paint will be hold on to strongly and will not peel off.

Now, using a primer on wood surfaces before painting is specially important, as wood is very porous and absorbs the solve from paint, which dries the paint prematurely. A layer of primer will not only help solve this inconvenience but it will also provide a waterproofing effect, which will help protect against mildew and dry rot.

Using primer has many advantages when painting and it can save you a lot of money in the end. 

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