Friday, January 11, 2013

Softwood vs Hardwood

Wood is divided in two types, softwood and hardwood. But what does this mean? The Wood Windows Warehouse team sets out to learn more.

Hardwood comes from deciduous trees that drop their leaves every year. Some examples of hardwood are mahogany, oak, birch, and maple. Hardwood is usually more dense than softwood. That is, in fact, the reason why it is classified as hardwood.

Common Uses: Hardwood is commonly used for construction, furniture, boat building, tools, musical instruments. It is typically more expensive than softwood.

Cross sections of hardwood trees

Softwood comes from conifer trees with needles. Some examples of softwood are pine, cedar, fir and spruce. Softwood tends to have lower density than hardwood floor.

Common Uses: Furniture and Building.

Cross sections of softwood

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